How Do You Buy A Domain Name?

Click here to buy a domain name with Namecheap, it is that simple.

However, there’s much more to buying a domain because there are technically three different ways to purchase a domain name.

There are also additional TLD options available than just the typical .com, .net, .org, and so on.

In this post, we will explore the two most popular ways to buy a domain name, what the perks and possible cons are of buying a domain depending on the route you choose, along with explaining the basics of domain names.

Let’s Start With Domain Name Basics

What is a domain name? What is a TLD? What is a Domain Registrar? Can you buy a domain name permanently? Your questions are answered within this post.

How Do You Buy A Domain Name? The Easy Way!
How Do You Buy A Domain Name? The Easy Way!

What Is A Domain Name?

Cloudflare describes a domain name as a unique, easy-to-remember address used to access websites, for example when you visit, and those are domain names.

What Is A .TLD?

TLD stands for top-level domain. This is the end of an URL address, such as .com, .net, or .org. As of today, there are over 1,500 top-level domain choices to choose from.

A lot of people stress over choosing their TLD or web URL address ending because there is a belief that it will affect your search engine optimization. Google has confirmed that your TLD does not affect your SEO in any way.

Mind you the most common TLD is .com.

What Is A Domain Name Registrar?

A domain name registrar is a business that handles the reservation of domain names as well as the assignment of IP addresses for those domain names. The most popular domain name registrars are Namecheap and GoDaddy.

Although, these providers provide much more than just domain registration their main focus is registering domain names.

Buy A Domain Name Permanently

You cannot buy a domain permanently, but you can buy your domain for however many years you want.

What Is A Web Host Or Web Hosting Provider?

A web host or web hosting provider is the company that you choose to hold your website. You need a web hosting provider or platform for your website so that it can be shared with the internet.

how do I buy a domain name
how do I buy a domain name

Domain Name Preparation

Now that you know the basics, there are a couple of things I want you to keep in mind when buying a domain name.

  • How tech-savvy are you?
  • Do you have a tech-savvy friend that can help you?

I like to ask you this because if you are uncomfortable with editing some of the records associated with your domain you may need some assistance and having a friend that can assist would be most helpful.

Also, when registering your domain name make sure you spell it correctly because it cannot be changed and you will have to purchase the accurate name again.

I always use Namecheap in beast mode when searching for a domain name. The reason I do this is that Namecheap has the most TLD options out of the domain name registrars I’ve used so far.

When putting in your domain to see if it is available they will generate additional domain options as well. This is especially helpful if you are praying for a domain that ends in .com because those are so popular that it’s like hitting the gold when you do.

If the TLD you wanted isn’t available you can now see what is available. Keep in mind that your TLD doesn’t affect your SEO, however, some people seem to be hardwired to thinking web addresses are constrained to just the top five TLDs which are: .com, .net, .org, .gov, .mil, and .edu that is not the case.

A couple of TLDS that are on the rise are .co, .io, and .gg. So, feel free to be creative, and don’t let the public sway you.

Also, they do stand by their name when it comes to the expense of their domains. Yes, you can purchase a domain from GoDaddy and even your Web Hosting provider for pennies or even free, but when it is time to renew your domain name it usually goes up drastically.

Namecheap does increase the price, but for example, the renewal for at Namecheap is going to cost you less than a GoDaddy domain name renewal.

Now that you are prepared we can move on to the next part of deciding how you will buy your domain name.

There Are Two Ways To Buy A Domain Name

Technically there are three ways to purchase, but we are going to talk about the two primary ways to purchase a domain name which are registering with a domain name provider or registering a domain name with your web hosting provider.

Purchasing Your Domain With A Domain Name Registrar

Buying a domain with a domain name registrar is the best option. You will have to take a couple of additional steps to set it up with your web hosting, but it is totally worth it.

You can connect your domain to any web hosting provider you want at any time. That is not the case if you end up buying a domain name with your web hosting provider.

You’re probably wondering why that would be an issue. Well, let’s say you hate your web host or let’s say that the web host doesn’t offer what you need now that you want to scale your website and now you need to move.

In order to use your domain name you will need to transfer your name to the new web hosting provider or domain name registrar. Of course, this isn’t free and now you are paying for the domain again.

best place to buy a domain name
best place to buy a domain name

The Best Place To Buy A Domain Name


I highly suggest using Namecheap to register your domainI’ve been using Namecheap for over 20 years. I have used other registrars such as GoDaddy and even Google Domains, but honestly, Namecheap is the absolute best one.

Namecheap has the most TLDs. The prices are amazing. The support is great


Even though GoDaddy costs more than Namecheap they do have a stellar selection of products that you can add to your domain name including but not limited to Microsoft Email, standard web hosting as well as e-commerce hosting, a free page builder to build your website, and more.

If you are looking for one platform with a full suite of tools and don’t want to deal with the additional fuss then GoDaddy is a great choice.

Google Domains

I love Google Domains, but they have a limited selection of TLDs. Their domains are priced reasonably, but the biggest perk with Google Domains is the fact that you can sign up for Google Workspace which gives you a professional Gmail email address.


I will be honest. I have never used NameHero, but a lot of the web design community loves this domain registrar. I would definitely give it a whirl if the others aren’t to your liking.

Buying A Domain Name With Your Web Hosting Provider

The easiest option for those that don’t want to deal with extra steps. Choose the web hosting provider you want to use for your website and upon signing up they will ask you what domain you want.

Typically the domain is free as a perk for signing up with them, but just as a friendly reminder. Once the year has passed you will be charged for your domain name.

Sometimes the domain name registered with a web hosting provider can cost more than with a domain registrar, but it isn’t something astronomical. Plus, you’re paying for the convenience of having it all in one place.

registration of a domain name
registration of a domain name

If you are looking for a web host, I suggest using HostingerBluehost, or TMD Hosting as they’ve never done me wrong.

That’s It!

Hopefully, this post was informational and helped you with buying a domain name, and made you find the best place to buy a domain name. If not, let me know by leaving a comment below, or if you want to just send a friendly hello feel free to send me a message on Instagram or Twitter.

Yet, if this post didn’t help you, but you feel it would help a friend then go ahead and share this post with them or even on your socials.

Want to read moreWhy not read my post about how to accept online payments the easy way?

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