Opinion Editorial

Despite it all, David Zaslav isn’t Lex Luthor.

Warner Bros Discovery has had the media outlets on fire due to everything happening behind the scenes which was kicked off by the brutal cancelation of Batgirl and leaving many fans on pins and needles fearing that their show and/or movie will be next.

In this post we are going to talk a little bit about David Zaslav’s background, what his intentions are, why the public sees him as the enemy, and why he is the “hero” we need right now.


  • David Zaslav is inspired by Kevin Feige who currently handles the MCU
  • He wants to implement his own 10 year plan
  • He believes in quality over content
  • He has canceled movies that were 90% done and beloved shows with a cult following
  • People believe he is a racist since he canceled Batgirl, which was a film with many talented actors that are people of color including their lead, Leslie Grace
  • People due to cancelations of certain shows that he is also a Trump Support — FYI, he isn’t a Trump supporter
  • He is in currently working to acquire Dan Lin, the Producer of both IT films to be the head of the DC division
Warner Bros Discovery David Zaslav
David Zaslav Warner Bros President/CEO — Photo Courtesy of Art Streiber for Variety

Warner Bros Discovery President/CEO — David Zaslav’s Background

David Zaslav is the new President/CEO of Warner Bros Discovery. He oversaw the launch of new channels such as OWN, Oprah’s Network Channel and Destination America. Along with directing the merge of Warner Bros and Discovery.

He has received several awards including but not limited to:

  • In 2014, Zaslav was awarded the Fred Dressler Leadership Award by Syracuse University’s S. I. Newhouse School of Public Communications.
  • In 2016, David Zaslav was awarded the Susan Newhouse & SI Newhouse Award of Hope for his support of the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration (AFTD)
  • In 2017, Zaslav was inducted into the Cable Hall of Fame
  • In 2018, Zaslav received the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Ripple of Hope Award

Little Fact for my Astrology Girlies — David Zaslov is a Capricorn

David Zaslav’s Intention for Warner Bros Discovery

Zaslav’s intentions are quite clear. He mentioned Kevin Feige as his inspiration during the Warner Bros Discovery Investors’ Call. The keyword is inspiration. I feel that I need to break this down for people especially those on Youtube, because they’re saying he is going to copy Kevin, but that isn’t the case and it wouldn’t be in his favor to repeat the same chess moves.

If you have ever worked in corporate you get it. He is going to pluck out the pieces that work from Kevin’s plan and build something even better.

Clearly the Warner Bros Discovery President has been taking notes because he has constantly said that he wants to focus on quality content and not the quantity of content. This is a concept that I feel Americans have a hard time understanding as being mediocre and relatable is considered life aspirations currently.

Using Marvel as an example. I am not the biggest MCU fan, but I do like Marvel Comics and I understood why people were amped for Marvel Movies, but even I knew that keeping up with the demand of the fans was impossible.

Instead of understanding that we are mere mortals they embarked on something that really bit them in the ass and their quality suffered. Take a look at most of the Marvel shows on Disney+, especially She-Hulk. The people that actually watch those shows or care about the superhero universe experiencing Marvel fatigue.

To break it down even further — David’s vision is to have less “content” so that the team can focus on the quality of the product they are putting out. As it is no secret that DC movies which is under the Warner Bros Discovery umbrella, fails when it comes to movies although they do shine with their video games and animation.

David Zaslov Is A Heartbreaker

$90 million dollars invested in a nearly completed film to be shelved forever, but at least they got to have “funeral screenings”. If shelving a rather pricey project isn’t an indication of moving into a new direction I don’t know what is.

Ivory Aquino Twitter Message to David Zaslav
Ivory Aquino’s Public Emotional Plea to David Zaslav The President/CEO of Warner Bros Discovery

In the age of woke social media instead of speaking to the individual directly people have decided that publicly shaming someone and emotional manipulation are better alternatives as displayed by Ivory Aquino’s tweet.

I get it. A project she was dedicated to was tossed away. Most of us would sit on the couch with comfort food and vent to friends.

I’ve never seen such backlash over a film not being released especially one that barely anyone was checking for or even knew was in production.

There were hundreds if not thousands of videos, articles, and tweets about the cancelation of Batgirl which helped incite if not kick off the hate mob against Warner Bros Discovery.

David Zaslav Is A Racist Trump Supporter

FYI — He isn’t a Trump Supporter.

Greedy Racist CEO David Zaslav
Screenshot of Angry Tweet Directed Towards Mr. Zaslav The Warner Bros Discovery President
Bounding Into Comics
Photo Courtesy of Bounding Into Comics

The people online have voiced for the longest about what they want…

  • More Female Characters
  • More People of Color
  • More Sexual Orientation Representation
  • More People with Different Disabilities
  • More People That Look Like XYZ — You get it?

Rude awakening. They may want these things, but they aren’t the purchasing audience.

I believe it is safe to say that many business owners want to thrive. Business owners really appreciate all and any feedback whether it is positive or negative. A smart person would take into account what the public is saying especially since its so public.

Here is the problem. Although, social media is extremely accessible it is a fun house of mirrors and Twitter is the epitome of collective illusions.

You can skim through hours of thousands of others’ takes on what they want in entertainment, but the entertainment business as a whole has been suffering because they’ve been trying to cater to their audience, but these people are not their audience.

These people are just the extremely loud boisterous and obnoxious thoughts they believe people want to hear.

They’re not buying your product. They’re not buying your services. They’re not buying anything.

Yet, they are buying the new iPhone for the year because that’s what is expected to be a part of “woke” culture.

Another part of “woke” culture is to be outraged by anything and everything and there are no perfect people therefore there are no perfect products/services. Their true talent is being able to create an issue out of thin air.

Businesses have given years trying to appease this new volatile audience, but are now slowly moving away from this and towards what actually works.

David Zaslav is the President of Warner Bros Discovery, a company that is known as being one of the largest distributors of content.

He cannot allow the feelings of social media tweets to dictate how he runs his business. He needs to profit because running a business is about that cold hard cash. He wants a piece of the Feige’s pie and he is hoping that Dan Lin will be able to make it happen.

Dan Lin Movie Producer
Dan Lin, Producer of both IT & Lego Batman films — Currently in the talks with Warner Bros Discovery to be the head of DC

What Are Your Feelings About Warner Bros Discovery, David Zaslav, etc?

Drop a comment below. Send me a text. Direct message me on Instagram or send a tweet on the bird app.

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