Cruel Summer Season 2 Ending — Isabella Was The Killer All Along

If you watched Cruel Summer Season 2 the Young Adult Hulu streaming series produced by Jessica Biel, the entire season is centered around who killed Luke.

Cruel Summer season 2 ends with Isabella killing Luke. Luke calls his brother after his frightening experience with Megan and Isabella in the cabin for assistance. His brother meets him at the dock and they get into a messy squabble after Luke hurls some harsh truths about their family, he ends up in the water.

cruel summer season 2
cruel summer season 2

His brother gets into the water to look for Luke, but he wasn’t able to find him. Strange since there’s no way he could have gone that far. He tells their dad what happens and confesses to being Luke’s killer by accident which makes sense because he wasn’t able to locate Luke.

The “crazy” twist is that Luke does make it to shore, he is in bad shape. They seriously made him look insane for someone that wasn’t in the water that long. Isabella happens to be there, sees him, takes her chunky boot heel, and presses his face in the water causing him to drown.

The Ending of Cruel Summer Season 2 Wasn’t Shocking, Instead, It Was A Sigh Of Relief

Sorry, Cruel Summer Season 2 fans, this season was awful. I kept watching hoping I would latch on to something worthwhile. Instead, I kept watching because I had already invested too much time to stop watching all of a sudden.

Isabella (Lexi Underwood), Megan (Sadie Stanley), and Luke (Griffin Gluck) — Cruel Summer Season 2
Isabella (Lexi Underwood), Megan (Sadie Stanley), and Luke (Griffin Gluck) — Cruel Summer Season 2

The show centers around three dull try-hard teenagers, Isabella who I can’t remember how she joined the show, Megan who is the smart girl who happens to be “hot”, and this gawky dude named Luke.

As mentioned before, the show kicks off with everyone wanting to know who killed Luke. It is obvious that the girls had something to do with it, but how?

We end up watching a pond-water-paced show punched full of things that don’t even matter. Sure, they may sprinkle a tiny bit of insight, but knowing that Isabella had a dead best friend that she writes letters didn’t do anything for me.

Also, Megan is a badass computer wizard that can make realistic fake IDs, fun idea but so what?

Then there’s Luke who is a “Chambers man” which means he has a legacy to uphold… What legacy? A legacy of being a rich white dude who can take care of his family by having a serious job and going to the same college as their dad. Luke doesn’t want to be a “Chambers man” he wants to join the military and this angers his father.

Cruel Summer Season 2 Is Just Something To Put On In The Background

In Cruel Summer Season 1 the story was simple, the characters weren’t amazing, but I definitely wanted to know why Kate called out Jeanette on national tv and why Jeanette knowing she was alive and not telling anyone was a problem. Kate’s anger seemed misguided and I wanted to know why because it made absolutely no sense.

luke griffin gluck megan sadie stanley isabella lexi underwood season2 cruel summer freeform series
Luke (Griffin Gluck), Megan (Sadie Stanley), Isabella (Lexi Underwood), season 2 cruel summer freeform series

Whereas in season 2 you get this…

  1. Luke is dead, but why?
  2. Luke’s brother loves to record sex tapes
  3. Luke plays a sex tape thinking it was one of his brother’s but instead, it is one of his own and features himself and Megan
  4. Isabella tells everyone that the sex tape is with her (Isabella) and Luke to cover up for Megan who doesn’t want to lose her scholarship
  5. Everyone thinks Isabella is the town whore now.
  6. Who is Isabella?
  7. Isabella’s dead best friend that she writes letters to, but never sends them
  8. Isabella has a friend possible ex-boyfriend comes to visit
  9. Megan’s family is not poor, but definitely lower class which angers her when Isabella is able to just pay things off. Megan talks to her mother like she is a child.
  10. Megan is also a computer wizard that works with the town’s craziest tin-foil hat man.
  11. Megan gets pregnant by Luke and gives herself an abortion. I don’t know. There’s a dead embryo involved.

There are more little things, but that about sums it up, but with all of these little situations going on the show still ends up being a chore to get through.

megan sadie stanley and lexi underwood as isabella
CRUEL SUMMER – “Endgame” – As timelines collide, friendships implode, new evidence emerges and the shocking truth is revealed É in more ways than one. (Freeform/Justine Yeung) SADIE STANLEY, LEXI UNDERWOOD

If they decide to do season 3 please don’t do this to us.

Did you enjoy Cruel Summer Season 2?

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