An Official Deadpool Update

Deadpool formerly known as Ryan Reynolds dropped an announcement out of nowhere and now the Marvel fans are foaming at the mouth. YouTube and Twitter are legit going wild! There are so many “Deadpool Announcement Breakdown” and “Deadpool Live Reaction” videos that it is beyond embarrassing.

Deadpool Update — Source: Ryan Reynolds

Today, Ryan Reynolds announced that Wolverine, Hugh Jackman, will be in Deadpool 3.

The video starts with Ryan Reynolds being his usual annoying quirky Marvel humorous self. He creates a montage of all the moments he spent trying to come up with something for Deadpool 3 but continues to come up with nothing. Ryan continues on and says something along the lines except for maybe this and proceeds to say, “Hey Hugh you wanna play Wolverine one more time?” Of course, Hugh replies with “Uhm, sure” with a mouthful of red apple. Cue Whitney Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” which is so crazy because I love Whitney, she is the queen and I love her entire discography, but dear lord is Ryan Reynolds so extremely cringe.

I am sorry, but this really made me go into deep contemplation of if I could make it through one more Deadpool movie for the sake of my guy, the one and only, Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine.

I adore Deadpool.

He is one of my favorite Marvel characters, and I am not just saying this to soften the blow, but I cannot stand how Ryan Reynolds has somehow morphed into Deadpool 24/7… more like 25/8. It is like Ryan Reynolds no longer exists and there is only Deadpool. In fact, he showcases his product, Aviation Gin in the update, but that isn’t Ryan Reynolds product, that is now Deadpool’s Aviation Gin.

Nonetheless, I am going to grit my teeth to get through this one for the sake of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine — Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool & Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
X-Men Origins: Wolverine — Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool & Hugh Jackman as Wolverine

Remember the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie? Hugh Jackman was the star in this one and Ryan was just so eager to be a part of this crazy superhero world.

Initially, I was so happy to see him as Deadpool. I remember thinking I hope he sticks around. Maybe, one day he will be able to fully be Deadpool with the real suit and all.

I should have kept my mouth shut because now Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool even when he isn’t supposed to be Deadpool.

Now, despite it all, I do appreciate his dedication to the character. It is also nice to experience the maturity of these characters as the movies/shows continue, but I can’t help but think that…the timing of this announcement is very convenient for Marvel.

Extremely Peculiar Timing As Marvel’s Phase 4 Has Taken A Serious Nose Dive

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Is Available On Disney Plus Right Now

Marvel’s brilliance has become quite dull, and I believe it started with the show Moon Knight or maybe even before? Although, there are many people who love that show a lot of people started experiencing Marvel fatigue around the same time.

The arrival of Ms. Marvel, Thor: Love & Thunder, and now She-Hulk hasn’t assisted in keeping fans interested compared to when we just couldn’t get enough.

This is probably why they say be careful what you wish for.

She-Hulk: Attorney At Law: Season 1 — Rotten Tomatoes Score 9/27/2022

Let’s Be Honest. Hugh Jackman is a part of the MCU Distraction Cycle

We all know what Marvel is doing and if you don’t know now you know that this is how Marvel’s Distraction Cycle goes

  1. Announce a new show/movie around an already popular character to get fans excited.
  2. Release the show/movie and introduce the same character, but make it “new” by creating a female version or by giving them a new race.
  3. Then champion how the MCU is all about diversity.
  4. Then when the show/movie fails you always blame the fans and says it is their fault not the fact that your tactic, yet again failed.
  5. After telling the fans it is their fault, give them a treat by bringing back a beloved character to distract them.
  6. Continue to swap out all the characters for new cooler more diverse characters while the fans enjoy their “treat”.
  7. Repeat the cycle as many times as needed.

The cycle wasn’t so obvious before.

As the average Marvel fan had a ravenous appetite they simply couldn’t get enough. Now with Disney forcing Marvel to pump out all this content, they’re all experiencing serious fatigue. The fatigue isn’t just with shows, but with everything Marvel-related. Every “big” movie is a superhero movie killing off most of the Marvel allure.

Yet, we are all still interested, but we are extremely selective in what we decide to watch. I know for myself that I didn’t watch anything after Falcon & Winter Soldier and even that was too much, because seriously what was the point of that show? Oh yeah, to make Falcon the new Captain America. I seriously had to think about it because the show is so forgettable.

I cannot say anything about Moon Knight, Hawkeye, She-Hulk, or Ms. Marvel as I tapped out. I rather spend my time roaming the aisles of a comic book store searching for something with actual substance.

What Are Your Thoughts About Hugh Jackman Coming Back Once Again To Play Wolverine?

Are you excited about Hugh Jackman? I know I am. I know that this film will be a hit as it includes two marvel favorites, but one is favored more simply for being an X-Men. Seriously X-Men is the best part of Marvel. If you disagree with that well you can just get over it or yanno leave your girl a comment.

Zelda Darling

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